What did Rachel Goodle do? Oak Creek High School teacher arrested over inappropriate relationship wi
Rachel Goodle, a 22-year-old former teacher at Oak Creek High School, has been arrested and charged with s*xual assault due to an alleged inappropriate relationship she had with a student. Goodle was charged with two felony offenses - second-degree s*xual assault of a child under the age of 16 and for s*xual assault of a student by school staff.
The Oak Creek Police Department took note of the alleged inappropriate relationship due to a criminal complaint. Acting on the complaint made to the authorities, the school's resource officer conducted an investigation and learned that Rachel Goodle was suspended due to her relationship with a student at the same school.
Rachel Goodle’s inappropriate relationship with the victim was discernible from the police investigation
Once the police were made aware of the situation, an investigation was conducted, which included the review of surveillance footage as well as interviews with the victim and other students. The criminal complaint states that there was plenty of evidence of a close relationship between Rachel Goodle and the victim.
“Spending an inordinate amount of time together, and arriving and sitting together at a school sporting event. The two sat away from the student section,” the complaint describes their relationship.Upon interviewing the victim, it was revealed that rumors regarding the alleged relationship had been making the rounds for months. The victim also admitted to inappropriate touching between the two. The victim also allegedly revealed that the two had s*x in a classroom.
Surveillance footage from December 2, 2022, shows Rachel Goodle and the victim entering the former’s classroom at around 4.49 pm. Even though a custodian opened the room in the interim at 5.07 pm, the two remained inside until they exited together at 5.42 pm.
The attorney for the victim and their family has made the following statement:
“Criminal charges were filed on July 20, 2023, in Milwaukee County against an Oak Creek High School teacher, Rachel Goodle, for 2nd Degree S*xual Assault of a Child and S*xual Assault of a Student by School Staff. The criminal charges arise out of s*xual intercourse and contact with a student of Oak Creek High School, which occurred inside the Ninth-Grade Center. The victim and the victim’s family respectfully ask for their privacy while this matter is pending.”The statement adds that this is the second instance of such a relationship at Oak Creek High School in six years and calls for an investigation led by the highest authorities. Meanwhile, Goodle will be presented before a court on August 11, 2023. She may be sentenced to up to 40 years in prison if convicted.
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